Virtual LemonAID

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Virtual LemonaidEmailLogo.png

Virtual LemonAID

from $5.00

Virtual LemonAID is yet another way for you to help us out with our LemonAID Stand. The proceeds of the event go to helping kids at SafeHaven have fun this summer. Normally they would have to stay in the shelter all summer with only a few fun activities. We have provided these kids' source of fun in the summer for seven years now! We must continue our efforts for SafeHaven because they rely on us every summer. So help us help others by purchasing a cup (or two) of virtual LemonAID!

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Can't be at the LemonAID Stand/Yardsale this year? Virtual LemonAID is a way that you can participate from anywhere. Donate up to $100 and enjoy an email with some Virtual ICE COLD LemonAID.